Academic Initiatives

Advanced Trauma Life Support

Had a lead role in starting the ATLS site of the ATLS –India Program at Symbiosis Pune. Advanced Trauma Life Support is course of American College of Surgeons. USA. February 2012.

ITC of the American Heart Association

Had a lead role in setting up ITC of the American Heart Association and Chapter of the International Trauma Life Support at Emergency Management and Research Institute [ EMRI] at Hyderabad .-2008.

International Trauma Life Support [ITLS]

Had a lead role in starting the Chapter of the International Trauma Life Support [ITLS] USA at Symbiosis, Pune. November 2005,. Symbiosis Pune, Ramaiah Medical College Bangalore and IIEMS Kottayam were the first three Chapters in India to be recognised by ITLS in November 2005..

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